internal audit
The Internal Audit Unit of the Company performs the functions of internal audit, as prescribed in the provisions of OJK Regulation No. 56/POJK.04/2015 on the Establishment and Guidelines for the Preparation of the Internal Audit Charter.
Internal Audit Unit: Structure and Position
The Internal Audit Unit was established by the BOD of the Company on 3 September 2018, to be controlled by the Internal Supervision Unit.The Company’s Internal Audit Unit maintains the Internal Audit Charter, prepared and ratified by the BOD on 3 September 2018. This Internal Audit Charter provides general guidelines for the Internal Audit Unit in the execution of its duties and responsibilities
Profile of the Internal Audit Unit Head
Pursuant to the Decree of the BOD No. 03/SK-DIR/DIVA/VIII/18 dated 15 August 2018, the Company appointed Tiara Barudin as Head of the Internal Supervisory Unit.
Tiara Barudin
Indonesian citizen, born in 1993 and domiciled in Jakarta. Appointed as the Company’s Internal Audit Unit Head in 2018. Graduated from Padjadjaran University, Bandung, in 2015. Prior to joining the Company, she worked at Satrio, Bing, Eny & Rekan Public Accounting Firm as Auditor (2015–2018), then at PT Sentra Rejeki Lestari as Finance & Accounting Officer (2018). Currently, she is concurrently serving as Administration Officer at PT Media Karya Nusantara (since August 2018).
Internal Audit Unit: Duties and Responsibilities
The Internal Audit Unit has the duties and responsibilities to:
1. Assist the BOD, the BOC, and/or the Audit Committee in implementing GCG, which encompasses audit, assessment, presentation, evaluation, advice and improvement functions as well as providing assurance and consultation services to all units within the Company in order for them to be able to conduct their duties and responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner, in line with the policies of the Company and the GMS.
2. Prepare and implement the annual Internal Audit plan, based on the analysis of risk faced by management in achieving the Company’s vision, mission, and strategy, as well as business strategy.
3. Examine and evaluate internal control implementation and the risk management system, in line with Company policies.
4. Examine and evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of the systems and procedures in place for Finance, Accounting, Operations, Marketing, Human Resources, IT, and other activities.
5. Provide advice for improvement and objective information on audited activities across all levels of management.
6. Prepare an audit result report and present said report to the President Director and the BOC and/or the Audit Committee.
7. Oversee, analyze and report all corrective actions that have been recommended.
8. Collaborate with the Audit Committee.
9. Coordinate with other internal audit groups or those without their own internal audit staff.
10. Conduct special audits within the internal control scope assigned to it by the BOD, BOC, and/or the Audit Committee.
11. Prepare programs to evaluate the quality of internal audit activities that have been performed.
The Internal Audit Unit has the authority to:
1. Prepare, amend, and implement internal audit policy including allocation of audit resources, determining a focus, procedures, scope of work and schedule for audit, as well as implementing the techniques deemed necessary to achieve stated audit goals.
2. Obtain all documents and notes that are relevant to the Company, and request information on the audited objects, in verbal or written form, and in real time.
3. Verify and examine the reliability of information it has obtained, in relation to the assessment of the audited system’s efficacy.
4. Ensure that management has conducted recommended follow-up measures on the results of its reports.
5. Communicate directly with the BOD, the BOC, and/or the Audit Committee as well as with any member of the BOD, the BOC, and/or the Audit Committee.
6. Conduct regular and ad-hoc meetings with the BOD, the BOC, and the Audit Committee.
7. Coordinate its activities with those of the external auditor.
The Internal Audit Unit has no authority over the implementation or responsibility for the audited activities; however, its responsibility lies in the assessment and analysis of such audited activities.
Internal Audit Unit Activities
In 2022 the Internal Audit Unit conducted its supervisory duties and audited certain functions within the Company, in accordance with the duties and responsibilities as stipulated in the Internal Audit Charter. These activities will also become a major part of the Internal Audit Unit’s work plan for 2022.
*Source : PT Distribusi Voucher Nusantara Tbk. Annual Report 2022